Leading During Challenging Times – Webinar 1

Taking Care of Ourselves So We Can Help Others


Ashley Wendel, MA, CMC, PDC, and Fred Tobis, MD

In the webinar video clips below we address:

  1. An Overview of Webinar 1: Taking Care of Ourselves
  2. The Common Challenges for Clinicians During the Time of COVID
  3. The Importance of Resilience
  4. Controlling our Personal Narratives

We look forward to hearing from you after you complete this preview of the first of our two-part series.

If we can answer any questions please reach out to us at:

Fred Tobis, MD (206-853-3336) :

Ashley Wendel, MA, CMC, PDC (619-746-4405):

We would be happy to have a conversation with you about how CPL can help you and your organization.

Be sure to join us on our LinkedIn Company Page and Discussion Group. We are here to assist.

To access the webinar clips, please fill out the form below. Thank you.